What is INTERNET? | How It is working | pankajktech


The Internet is a vast network of computers and other devices that communicate with each other. It allows people to connect and share information with each other, no matter where they are in the world. Here's a simplified overview of how it works:

  1. When you want to access the Internet, you need a device that can connect to it. This could be a computer, smartphone, tablet, or any other device with Internet capabilities.
  2. To connect to the Internet, your device needs to connect to a network. This could be a wireless network in your home or office, or a mobile data network provided by your cell phone company.
  3. Once your device is connected to a network, it can access the Internet through a device called a router. The router acts as a gateway, connecting your device to the Internet.
  4. When you enter a web address into your browser (such as google.com), your device sends a request to the router, asking it to connect to the server that hosts the website you want to visit.
  5. The router sends the request to the server through the Internet. The server is a powerful computer that stores all the files and data for the website you want to visit.
  6. When the server receives the request, it sends the files and data for the website back to the router.
  7. The router then sends the files and data back to your device, allowing you to view the website on your device.
  8. As you browse the website, your device will continue to send requests to the server for additional data, such as images and other resources. The server will send this data back to your device as needed.

The Internet is made up of millions of networks and servers, all connected to each other. When you visit a website, your device is communicating with servers all around the world in order to access the content you want to see.

There are many different technologies and protocols that are used to connect devices and transfer data over the Internet. Some of the most important ones include:

  • TCP/IP: This is a set of rules that govern how devices on the Internet communicate with each other. It ensures that data is sent in the right format and that it reaches its destination reliably.
  • HTTP: This is the protocol that is used to transfer data between web servers and web clients (such as your web browser). It allows you to request specific pages or resources from a server, and it allows the server to send those resources back to you.

  • WiFi: This is a wireless networking technology that allows devices to connect to the Internet without the need for cables. It uses radio waves to transmit data between devices.
  • Cellular Data: This is a type of Internet connection that is provided by a cell phone company. It allows you to access the Internet over a mobile network, using a device such as a smartphone or tablet.

History Of Internet:

The history of the Internet dates back to the 1960s, when the U.S. Department of Defense funded the development of a network called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network). The goal of ARPANET was to create a network that could withstand a nuclear attack, by connecting computers at military bases and research labs in a way that would allow them to continue communicating even if some of the nodes were destroyed.

In 1969, the first message was sent over ARPANET from one computer to another. This was a major milestone, as it marked the first time that computers had been able to communicate with each other over a network.

Over the next few decades, the Internet continued to evolve and expand. In the 1980s, the National Science Foundation (NSF) funded the development of a new network called NSFNET, which connected research institutions and universities around the country. This helped to accelerate the growth of the Internet and made it more widely available to the general public.

In the 1990s, the World Wide Web (WWW) was invented, which made it much easier for people to access and share information on the Internet. The introduction of web browsers such as Mosaic and Netscape made the Internet more user-friendly, and the development of search engines such as Google helped people to easily find the information they were looking for.

Today, the Internet is an essential part of modern life, and it continues to evolve and change as new technologies are developed. It has transformed the way we communicate, do business, and access information, and it has had a profound impact on society and culture around the world.

Overall, the Internet is an incredibly complex system that allows people to connect and share information with each other from anywhere in the world. It has revolutionized the way we communicate, do business, and access information, and it continues to evolve and change as new technologies are developed.

Pankaj Kumar

Hey, This is Pankaj Kumar a Learning Frontend Web Developer


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